Osteopathy and Medicine
Our professional team
Our scientific approach to treatments responds to the demands of our patients. Patients looking for professionals who treat them with the same rigor with which they face their profession, the practice of sport and, of course, the care of their health.
More than 20 years taking care of your health
Manel Ramos
osteopath DO – physiotherapist
Monday to Thursday
09:00 to 14:00 and 16:00 to 19:00
09:00 to 14:00
Dr. Ricard Ramos
thoracic surgeon
16:00 to 18:00
Raquel Rodríguez
Monday to Friday
09:00 to 16:00
Eduard Morraja
Monday to Friday
16:00 to 20:00
Josep Casimiro
physiotherapist – osteopath DO
16:00 to 20:00
09.00 to 14.00 and 16.00 to 20.00
09.00 to 14.00
Health records: E08570554
REGCESS Standard Center Code (CCN): 0908008899
Manel Ramos
Director of Healthway Institut
A graduate in Physiotherapy from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1996), Manel Ramos is President and Founder of the Association of Osteopaths of Catalonia, a member of the Osteopathy Commission of the College of Physiotherapists of Catalonia from 2019 to 2021 and Col 1496 of the College of Physiotherapists of Catalonia. He is a specialist in Sports Physiotherapy (UAB -1997) and Osteopath DO at RamonLlull University – European School Of Osteopathy (UK – 2004).
He has received postgraduate training on:
- Specific Adjustment Techniques, SAT (I-II) (Barcelona School of Osteopathy)
- Advanced Structural Treatment Techniques (I-II) (Barcelona School of Osteopathy)
- Anatomy Applied to Osteopathy (Barcelona School of Osteopathy)
- Clinical uro-gynecology (Blanquerna Faculty of Health Sciences-URL)
- Myofascial Deepening Techniques (EcoleSupérieure d’Ostéopathie – France)
- Screening of the first International Research Congress on Fascia. Harvard Medical School.
- SAT Specific Adjustment Course (Blanquerna Faculty of Health Sciences-URL)
- He is currently director of the Healthway Institute and head clinician of the Osteopathy Unit of the same, as well as personal osteopath of different professional athletes.
Besides, Manel Ramos is a scientific advisor to Aklepios, a medical branch of the publishing house Apex. This publishing house makes available to the medical professional a whole series of high quality graphic materials.
Manel Ramos , has in his professional career with experience as a Physiotherapist external consultant of the FC Barcelona Basketball (1999-2003), Physiotherapist and Osteopath of the Catalan Basketball Team (1999-2005), Osteopath of the Catalan Football Team (2009 -2012) and external advisor AFC AJAX from 2013 to 2015.
In parallel with his professional side, Manel Ramos He teaches and has taught at Ramon Llull University, both as a professor of the Degree in Physiotherapy, as a coordinator, professor and clinical tutor of the Postgraduate in Clinical Osteopathy. He has also been invited as a speaker at several roundtables on Sports Medicine and Osteopathy.
Ricard Ramos
Medical Director of Healthway Institute
Doctor in Medicine from the University of Barcelona (2006), Ricard Ramos is a specialist in Thoracic Surgery and Master in Experimental Biomedical Sciences (UB 2005). He currently works as a specialist physician at Bellvitge University Hospital and is a Clinical Head of the Medicine Section of the Healthway Institute.
Ricard Ramos is also a full professor at the University of Barcelona. He teaches Human Anatomy in the Degree in Medicine, in the subjects of Organ Anatomy and Systems and Strategies of Differential Diagnosis in Radiology. He is also Professor of Human Anatomy in the Master’s in Osteopathy at Ramon Llull University and is Co-Director of the Master’s in “Deepening in Anatomical Dissection: Advanced Studies of the Human Body” at the University of Barcelona.
He has significant experience as a researcher in his career, which has allowed him to stay at national and international centers such as the Institut Mutualiste Montsouris in Paris, Guy’s Hospital in London.
Ricard Ramos has published and is a reviewer of articles in some of the most prestigious national and international journals such as Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Techniques, the care perspective: Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Spanish Surgery, Bronchopneumology Archives , among others.
He is also the Scientific Coordinator of Asklepios, a medical branch of the APEX publishing house, which makes a series of high-quality graphic materials available to the medical professional.
Ricard Ramos is currently a member of the main medical associations in the field of national and international Thoracic Surgery as well as the Spanish Anatomical Society.
Josep Casimiro
- 2006-2009: Diploma in Physiotherapy from the Gimbernat Schools
- 2010: Spinal Neuromotor Rebalancing Course. Neurodynamics. Gimbernat University Schools.
- 2014: Course of Diagnosis and treatment of TMJ and the Mandibulo-occipito-Occlusal relationship. Omphis Barcelona.
- 2015: Osteopath DO. Master in Osteopathy at the School of Osteopathy of Barcelonaç
- 2016: Nuerodynamics. Carlos Ferrari DO
- 2016: Osteopathy and Focusing. Dino Muzzi DO
- 2016: Neurovegetative osteopathy I-II. Jean-Marie Michelin DO
- 2016: Gynecology, obstetrics and postpartum. Renzo Molinari DO
- He is currently a clinical tutor at the Teaching Clinic of the Barcelona Osteopathy Foundation
- 2016-2017: Continuing education for osteopaths Concept-structural JF Terramorsi
- 2016-2017: Diploma in Pediatric Osteopathy EOB
- 2017: SAT Specific Adjusting Technique, Joan Parera PhD. Training Threads
- 2018: Advanced spinal adjustment training course, Carlos Ferrari DO. Advanced Osteopathy Barcelona.
- 2018: Specialization course in occlusion and posture. Stefano Colasanto DO. Advanced Osteopathy Barcelona
- 2018-2019: Postgraduate Neurobiology of the functions of the autonomic nervous system, interoception and pain. Dr. Wilfrid Jänig. School of Osteopathy of A Coruña
- 2020: Persuasion and Health, Victor Amat. Cetebreu 2020
- He is currently a lecturer in the Clinical Studies subject at the Barcelona School of Osteopathy
- Professor of Chest Techniques 4th year Diploma in Physiotherapy at the UAB
- Currently studying the master’s degree in in-depth anatomical dissection at UB
Raquel Rodríguez
- 1997-2000 Diploma in Physiotherapy from the Gimbernat University School, Autonomous University of Barcelona.
- 2000-2002, Physiotherapist of the FCBarcelona children’s and cadet basketball team
- 2005- 2007 Physiotherapist of the Catalan Selection of absolute feminine Basketball
- 2016 Tecartherapy Course (Medestec®)
Eduard Morraja
Physiotherapy degree 2013-2018 Universitat Autónomo de Barcelona
University Master in Physiotherapy of the Musculoskeletal System 2020-2021 University of Manresa/ UVic
Tecarterapia course (Medestec) 2022